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Work Experience

Welcome to the dedicated page for work experience. We believe this is a vital opportunity for our students in years 10 and 12 to experience the workplace and bring their curriculum learning to life.

Students are expected to find their own placements and, where necessary, support will be offered by the careers, pastoral and tutor teams in finding and applying for a placement.

We use a platform called 'Unifrog' to administer all our placements and you can find 'how to guides' for students and parents/carers here.

You will also find the student assembly and parent/carer presentations below to refer to when completing the information for the placement.

Student assembly - year 10

Student assembly - year 12

Parent/carer information evening

As a quick guide here are the stages of the work experience cycle:

  1. A student gets the ball rolling by adding a new placement;

  2. The employer is notified by email, and they confirm that they follow best practices in:

    1. Safeguarding;

    2. Health and safety;

    3. Risk Assessment;

    4. Insurance;

    5. GDPR;

  3. The parent/guardian signs an agreement;

  4. The placement coordinator reviews all the information provided by each party, and gives their consent.

  5. Teachers have an overview of the status of all the placements at their school. They can filter to see which placements have forms outstanding, and nudge people who need to be chased.

  6. The placement takes place; teachers can record a check-in's

  7. The student and employer reflect on the placement after it is finished. The employer can choose to add themselves to the school placements database.