Catch Up and Pupil Premium Funding



Catch Up and Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium Funding

Purpose: The government believes that the best way to address the inequalities which can exist between the success of children eligible for free school meals and non-free school meals students is by ensuring that additional funding to tackle this disadvantage reaches the students that need it most.

Schools receive a Pupil Premium Grant for every student who has been entitled to free school meals at any point during the last six years.  Schools also receive the Pupil Premium Grant for Looked After Children and children of service personnel.

Catch Up Funding 


The school uses its allocated catch up funding but also commits funding from its main budget allocation to support lower ability students in maths and English.  We ensure that in maths an extra teaching group is created in each key stage 3 year group to allow specialist teachers to work with low attaining students.  In English additional support is also provided in specific literacy lessons.


Headteachers are accountable to OFSTED for the way in which their schools use the Pupil Premium Grant and the Year 7 Catch Up funding to tackle inequality.

Please see below links to information relating to the use of these grants at the William de Ferrers School.

William de Ferrers Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-25