
All student absences should be reported by one of the following methods:

  • Text:    07860 095562
  • Phone: 01245 326359
  • Email:   attendance@wdf.school

Parents should report a student absence on a daily basis using any of the above contact details.


Return after Absence

A letter explaining the cause of absence is required on the first day back at School, however short the absence may have been.


Authorised Absences

If a parent wishes to request a student's absence due to holiday arrangements, a leave of absence form must be obtained from the school reception or downloaded prior to the event. This form must be completed and returned to the school reception at least 10 working days prior to the start date of the request. Parents will then be notified as to whether or not their request has been authorised.

However, it should be noted that no parent can demand the right for their child to have leave of absence for the purposes of a holiday of any length. This means that if you want to take a short break away in term time – even for just two or three days – you must receive approval beforehand from the school. If the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken anyway, the case will be referred to the Missing in Education and Child Employment Service who will issue a Penalty Notice for £160 (or £80 if paid within 28 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.