Supporting Students

Welcome to Year 12 Evening - September 2024 


The excellent level of pastoral care provided in Years 7-11 is continued into Sixth Form. You will be allocated a personal Tutor and placed in a small Tutor Group.

Your Tutor will remain with you for the two years in the Sixth Form and will get to know you well. He/she will monitor your progress, provide support, both academically and emotionally, and assist you when completing your Personal Statement for university or job applications.


In addition to your academic progress, you will be monitored in other important areas of school life: tutor group attendance; lesson attendance; punctuality; meeting deadlines; effort and participation in lessons.

Assessment Points (AP) are issued in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms of Years 12 and 13, keeping students and parents informed of progress in all subjects. The Assessment Point Report can be accessed by clicking on this link

The key aims of the school Assessment Policy are:
1. Students should be empowered to understand what progress they have made and what they need to do to progress further.
2. Teachers understand and measure what learners know, what skills that they have and then plan what they need to do in order to enable Students continue to make progress.
3. Parents are able to see how their children are progressing and understand how they can help and support them in improving further.

Students will have the opportunity to discuss their progress with their tutor and teacher as part of the tutorial programme. They will have the chance to set targets and evidence their achievement as the year progresses. Interventions will be made by subject teachers and the Sixth Form Team when necessary and parents will be informed of the support in place for their child.

During the year Preliminary Exams will take place for both year groups as a current measure of performance and to aid the interventions if required.

Parents' evenings are held once in Year 12 and twice in Year 13.

Bursary Scheme

The school has a bursary scheme in place for students who are eligible to receive additional financial support whilst they are in the sixth form.  The school policy is based on advice from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on the 16 to 19 bursary fund for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.  

The fund is intended to support students aged 16 to 19 in overcoming specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education.  We use the fund to provide students with support to fund:  

• Transport

• Books 

• Equipment

• Field trips and other course-related costs

• The costs of attending university interviews and open days

• Lunch

• School clothing

On occasions books or equipment purchased may be returnable at the end of the study programme.

This list is not exhaustive and other support may be given at the discretion of the Director of Sixth Form.  All support must be in line with the conditions of the 16-19 funding allocation.

Please click on this link for further Bursary Scheme details or email Mrs Lucas on