Careers Information and Guidance

This page has been designed to help William de Ferrers students and their parents/carers progress towards their chosen career path. Please use the links on the left to discover information on Careers, Apprenticeships and Higher Education.

Mrs C Macdonald, Associate Assistant Headteacher is the school careers lead -

Planning for the future is important, and we aim to give all our students the best information and guidance available to help them make their choices. From year 8 all the way through to year 13, students have time in their curriculum to develop skills and gather information and experience to best prepare them for their next step, be that making the right key Stage 4 option choices, picking their A Levels, selecting college courses including the new T Levels, or finding an apprenticeship.

The school appoint Directions IAG Ltd who are a Matrix accredited independent careers guidance company to come into the school one day a week in order to give impartial careers information, advice & guidance to all students.  Please click on this link to be redirected to the Directions IAG website which contains lots of useful information for students, parents & carers.

Students can also find information on Facebook, Directions IAG Ltd and @DirectionsIAG in order to keep up to date with any upcoming events and current job opportunities.

You can contact a careers advisor via email at for more information, or to arrange a one to one careers guidance appointment.

The National Careers Service gives students opportunities to assess careers they may be interested in.  A skills check can also be completed to link students skills, interests and motivations to potential career paths.  Please follow this link to their website.

For any employers or training providers who wish to present to our students, in an assembly or PSHE session we would be delighted to hear from you.  Please contact Mrs Macdonald via email at

Please follow this link for the school response to compliance with the Department for Education July 2021 'Baker Clause' and the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023. 

Our careers policy can be accessed by clicking this link. 

We regularly monitor our careers related learning programme through the use of evaluations and reviews. Feedback is gained from stakeholders including students, parents, staff, governors, employees, colleges, universities and training providers. We termly complete Compass+ evaluations to assess our performance against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. We are currently performing above National Average in all 8 benchmarks and at 100% in benchmarks 1-6 and 8. We annually collect destination data from our students to enhance the careers programme and build our alumni into future events.

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